Please note that there are numerous types of errors, and in some cases, more than one transaction may be required to correct the initial error. Check out for more details. Please get in touch with us if you have a question regarding this.
Error Type 1:
Wrong amount reported, amount reported in the wrong box, or filed a 1099 form that should not have been filed. To correct this error only one corrected form must be submitted.
If you have filed a form that should not have been filed, please submit a new form with zero amounts to void the previous form.
If you have reported an incorrect amount or box information, then please submit a correction form with corrected information.
Error Type 2:
Wrong payee name or tax ID reported. To correct this error, two corrected forms must be submitted. First, you need to file a form with zero amounts to void the original form. Then a second form needs to be filed with the correct name, tax ID, and correct amount.
Error Type 3:
The following list of error cannot be corrected using our service. You must contact the IRS to fix these errors.
Duplicate reporting – if duplicated 1099 forms have been filed, IRS should be contacted immediately for instructions on how to avoid notices. The standard correction process will not resolve the duplicate issue.
Wrong payer (not recipient) name or TIN number was used. You must write a letter to the IRS containing the following information: (a) Name and address of payer (b) Type of error (include the incorrect payer name/TIN that was reported) (c) Tax year (d) Correct Payer TIN (e) TCC (f) Type of return (g) Number of payees (h) Filing method, paper or electronic (i) Was Federal income tax withheld?